
2003-06-21 01:15 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (秋葉原)

我曾在伊通街的N Y bagel 的牆上掛著H & H bagel的招牌,

服務生說那「應該」是紐約的本店,H & H是指一對夫妻的意思。

2003-06-20 20:59 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (Gracie)

dear appletree,
The talks about Zabar and H & H bagels 也讓我好想念 NY   Central Park, SONY Theater @ Lincoln Square and the Barnes & Noble @ corner of Broadway & 67th...
NY Bagels (near 伊通公園) import dough from H&H, so their bagels are somewhat ok.
去 Zabar 也試試它們的 smoked trout, 跟 smoked salmon 味道不同但亦極好吃

2003-06-20 20:24 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (飆車女郎)


2003-06-20 15:50 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (appletree)

聽說Second Ave. 9th and 10th street (大約) 之間的Black Hound甜點很棒, 還可以郵購呢! 我之前到這家買巧克力蛋糕, 真是太好吃了, 巧克力的濃郁, 奶油的潤滑, 真是人間美味啊! 而且巧克力也做的很棒喔!
去Zabar可別忘了買現片的薰鮭魚, 淡淡的鹹味後是豐腴的甘甜, 和我們一般在台灣買到的"死鹹"薰鮭魚滋味大不相同呢. Zabar旁小小的deli隸屬Zabar, 我很喜歡他們的croissant (我知道聽起來很怪). 而Zabar旁就是大名鼎鼎的H & H bagel, 如果要知道道地的bagel是何滋味, 來這裡準沒錯, H & H bagel的嚼勁, 是台灣bagel找不到的.
說著說著, 真想回紐約啊.

2003-06-19 23:59 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (Fin-Lee)

Hi, Albert in NY
If you want to try some cheaper steak, go to Arthur's Tavern.  At least when I lived there, it was good and affordable.  It is near the Hoboken path stop.  Plus walking around the old town area in Hoboken is nice.  Their information can be found at : http://chefmoz.org/United_States/NJ/Hoboken/Arthur%27s_Tavern1053724407.html
By the way, I remember there's used to be a lot more information about different restaurants in Manhattan under this topic.  Apparently someone wrote them and deleted them.  They were such useful information though---too bad.

2003-06-19 17:37 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (Albert in New York)


2003-06-19 06:00 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (JCW)

啊﹗ Albert in NY說的是哦﹐很多人都這麼說﹐真正食家只去老店。
50美大洋是吃不到Dry aged 的PL 牛排﹐ 好像要兩人份以上65大洋(以前好像是75)才屬dry aged﹐ 印象中是這樣﹐因為沒吃過一人份無法比較﹐ 反正前菜+主菜+飲料+甜點(那個apple strudel和那一大碗公的whip cream<----會死人咧)﹐ 五十大洋是沒辦法的﹐請有興趣的人自行斟酌吧。

2003-06-19 04:12 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (Albert in New York)

La lanterna
131 Mac Dougal Street, NY 10012
他的提拉米蘇我覺得比cafe lalo好吃!
至於Peter Luger我覺得brooklyn會比較好。長島分店的口味比較平常,

2003-06-19 01:00 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (JCW)

Dear Yilan﹐
Dear Kankinsky﹐
關於訂位之事﹐ 等多久並無定論﹐ 和所有大城市一樣﹐ 有關係就好辦事﹐如果您和在下一樣既無人際又無銀行當靠山﹐又真的沒辦法了﹐那就告訴您一個險招﹐就是趕在餐廳忙碌時段前給他自己跑去﹐ 凹到桌子的可能性大增。
有人用此招在火紅的Babbo成功﹐在下專用在Peter Luger屢試成功(長島分店﹐大假日除外)﹐Sushi Yashuda﹐Kruma Zushi也成功﹐但是極至高級餐館還是請訂位預約﹐選非忙碌時段可能性較大。
哦哦哦﹐如果您去PL吃那好吃牛排時﹐ 除了不要忘了試Gracie提到的Tomato & onion外﹐ 如果您可忍受當日高脂肪消受的話﹐請試試他們的Canadian bacon﹐ 此物獲今年Saveur100的27名﹐如果沒辦法﹐您又很幸運有廚房設施的話﹐ 那最棒﹐ 給他外賣uncooked﹐回家隔天用小火慢煎食用﹐ 嗚啦啦﹗﹗﹗(吾家是一次外賣8片﹐ 吃﹐用完時就是該再去的時候了)

2003-06-18 11:52 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 紐約美食大家談! (Gracie)

剛為一個要去NY覓食的朋友整理了一張餐廳short list, copy內文於下供大家參考批評:
IL MULINO (reservation needed) 212-673-3783  86 West 3rd St. & Sullivan/Thompson, New York
near Washington Square
(This is the ONE!  voted #1 Italian in NY by Zagat survey for 19 years in a row -- the phone line is always busy, need to dial repeatedly to get thru, try late lunch booking if dinner table is not available -- closed on Sundays)
Definitely go there with an empty stomach -- try EVERYTHING they serve you (starters, bread, etc.), appetizers, pasta, entree --order those go well with garlic -- lamb, lobster or steak, etc. ask the waiter to make you some pasta sampler (linguini or so) even if he thinks you order enough), house wine is not bad, no need to open a bottle. (suggestions excluding dessert because one might be in a food coma stage when finish main course, get some coffee though, if still capable, tiramisu)
others to consider (reservation needed) 
Scalini Fedeli  212-528-0400  165 Duane St. (bet. Greenwich & Hudson Sts.) TriBeCa
Babbo  212-777-0303  110 Waverly Pl. (bet. MacDougal St. & 6th Ave.) Greenwich Village
Sistina   212-861-7660 1555 Second Ave. (bet. 80th & 81st Sts.)
Il Gattopardo 212-246-0412   33 W. 54th St. (bet. 5th & 6th Aves.) New York
GRAMERCY TAVERN    (212) 477-0777    42 E. 20th St. (bet. B'way & Park Ave. S.) New York
Flatiron District/Union Square
(Perfect for Sunday brunch or, to avoid the crowd, an early or late lunch during weekdays, the front bar area does not take reservations so might have to wait outside before it opens to get a table, formal dinning room in the back is nice for dinner -- Don't miss the desserts!)
LA GRENOUILLE (reservation needed)  212-752-1495   East 52nd St & Madison
(my favorite dinning location for French in NY, food is indeed good but the atmosphere, flowers and service are divine!)
others to consider (reservation needed) 
Jean Georges    (212) 299-3900    1 Central Park W. (bet. 60th & 61st Sts.) New York
Daniel  212-288-0033  No. 60 East 65th St & Mad/Park
Bouley  120 W. Broadway (Duane St.) TriBeCa  (212) 964-2525
NOBU (reservation needed) 212-219-0500  105 Hudson Tribeca
or Nobu next door
Hasaki (no reservation)  
Sevilla (reservation needed) Restaurant & Bar 212-929-3189  62 Charles St./4th St.
EL FARO (reservation needed) 212-929-8210 823 Greenwich St./Harotio (west village)
(must try: paella, green sauce and sangria)
FIREBIRD (reservation needed)    (212) 586-0244    365 W. 46th St. (bet. 8th & 9th Aves.) New York
(good vodka selection and caviar)
PETER LUGER STEAK HOUSE (reservation needed)    (718) 387-7400
178 Broadway (Driggs Ave.) Brooklyn, NY, 11211-6131
near Williamsburg
(a "hole in wall" type of place -- like a scene in "Godfather", but best steaks in NY, don't miss the side orders -- tomatoes and onions). No credit cards, CASH ONLY (remember to stop by ATM in advance)
Brunch (usually only takes reservation for party of 5 or more)
Sarabeth's East 90s & Up,East 70s,West 80s,Chelsea
1295 Madison Ave. (bet. 92nd & 93rd Sts.) New York    (212) 410-7335
945 Madison Ave. (75th St.) New York    (212) 570-3670
423 Amsterdam Ave. (bet. 80th & 81st Sts.) New York    (212) 496-6280
75 Ninth Ave. (bet. 15th & 16th Sts.) New York    (212) 989-2424
(homey American style, good muffins, pies and desserts)
Popover Cafe    (212) 595-8555    551 Amsterdam Ave. (bet. 86th & 87th Sts.) New York
(if you are into fluffy and scrumptious popovers -- must try with the strawberry butter -- the other dishes are ok, save your stomach for more)
Cafe Lalo    (212) 496-6031    201 W. 83rd St. (bet. Amsterdam Ave. & B'way) New York
(My favorite coffeehouse in upper west side, unfortunately, "You've Got Mail" was filmed in my old neighborhood, so it now became a bit touristy, but still nice for a relaxing afternoon tea or late night drinks and the DESSERTS)
If you happen to be in the neighborhood, try Gray's Papaya, best hot dog in town:
2090 Broadway (72nd St.) New York, NY, 10023-2802 (212) 799-0243
402 Sixth Ave. (8th St.) New York, NY, 10011-8416 (212) 260-3532
539 Eighth Ave. (37th St.) New York, NY, 10018 (212) 904-1588
Serendipity 3    (212) 838-3531    225 E. 60th St. (bet. 2nd & 3rd Aves.) New York
(Again, my old favorite upper east cafe, but ever more crowded after that movie with the same name and the othe with Michelle Phifer)
(Must try "Frozen Hot Chocolate" or consider take some of the packed mix home)
Cafe Sabarsky    (212) 628-6200    1048 Fifth Ave. (86th St.) New York
Museum district
Afternoon Tea in a Jane Austin novel type settings
Inn at Irving Place (Lady Mendl's Tea Salon & Desert Parlor)    (212) 533-4600
56 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003-2314 
Grameracy Park

Carnegie Deli    (212) 757-2245    854 Seventh Ave. (55th St.) New York
(NEVER LEAVE without having the CHEESECAKE, even just for take outs, Rueben -- corn beef or pastrami sandwiches, no need to try the soups -- crowded all times, so service is poor, just ignore them and eat)
It might be very hot in NY, but if you are a big fan of Korean food, don't miss the Korean town:
Kang Suh (212) 564-6845    1250 Broadway (32nd St.) New York (there are also 2 very famous one across the street that serve great beef soup, but this one offers more variety and open 24 hours)
Garment District/West 30s (walk-in ok)
And if you are somehow in the mood for authentic Chinese but do not want to go all the way down to Chinatown or Flushing:
Grand Sichuan International
745 Ninth Ave (50th/51st)
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 582-2288  
China Moon (Sichuan)
7 E. 47th St. (bet. 5th and Madison)
Phone: (212) 207-4747
Wu Liang Ye (Sichuan)
36 W. 48th St. (bet. 5th & 6th Aves.)
New York, NY, 10036-1801
Phone: (212) 398-2308
Shanghai Gourmet
57 Mott St.(south of Canal St)
New York, NY 10013-4833
Phone: (212)732-5533

【講座】11/6~11/27 台中 中央書局「週三讀書會:閱讀,飲食的風土」。早鳥票正式開賣!

