美國—加州 & Napa Valley

2002-09-23 13:06 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Fin-Lee)

1. Beringer winery:
2000 Main St., St. Helena, CA 94574.  Tel: 707-963-4812.
2. Robert Mondavi:
Highway 29, Oakville, CA 94562.  Tel: 888-7666328, or 707-2599463
1. Auberge du Soleil
Ruthford Hill Rd., Ruthford, CA 94573.  Tel: 707-963-1211
2. Domaine Chandon
One Califonia Blve., Yountville, CA 94599.  Tel: 707-944-2892, or 800-736-2892 
3. Joy Luck House
1144 Jordan Lane, Napa, CA 94558, 707-224-8788
4. Julia's Kitchen
500 1st St., Napa, CA 94559.  Tel: 707-265-5700
5. Peking Palace
11001 2nd St., #112, Napa, CA 94559.  Tel: 707-257-7197
6.  The French Laundry
6640 Washington St., Yountville, CA 94559  Tel: 707-944-2380
I got all the information from a site called napavalley.com.  Check it out and good luck.

2002-09-23 12:35 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Fin-Lee)

Dear Ann & Arlene,
I just talked to my mother-in-law.  Here are some suggestions from her:
Tours:  She think if you have 4 or 5 people together, you may want to try limo service (if you don't have a rental cars).  The rate I saw on line is about 50.00 one hour and they have minimum 3 hrs service.  The site is californiawinetour.com.  She never has done that, but she said it might be fun.  There is also a wine train.  On the train, there is wine tasting, and you can eat meals on board (but she's eaten there, and it's pricy). 
Winery: There are also two wineries that she recommends to visit.  1.Beringer --it is a big house, famous place to go.  I took my mom there once, she really enjoyed the caves for storing wine.  2. Robert Mondavi.  For these two places I will try to find the addresses or related sites for you later (if my kids don't cry again).
Other place in town: There is a place call "Copia" (actuall owned by Robert Mondavi winery).  My m-i-l said is a trendy place to see exhibits for crafts and arts.  There also are two restaurants there in the building.  One of them is called "Julia's Kitchen", the name Julia is from Julia Childs, she is a very old and famous chef (in French food).  You guys may want to try it.
Restaurants: Of course there is "French Laundry".  It needs reservations a long time ahead.  There are two other French restaurants: DomainChanton & Auberge de Solril. Again, I will try to get the addresses later.  But it should be easy to find on phone books once you get there.
There are some Chinese restaurants as well.  I look for Chinese food everywhere I go.  There are: Wahsing, Peking Place (she likes this better), and Joy Luck House.
Hotels:  Arlene was right.  Napa's hotels are expensive.  I checked expdia.com.  There are still rooms available.  My m-i-l mentioned "Wine Crush".  She is not sure when it will be (or was).  It is the high season of wineries.  Hope you can avoid it.  There is also a site call orbitz.com.  You can reserve hotel rooms.  I used both Expdia.com and Orbitz.com for hotels and flights.  They have fair prices.
I will find the related addresses and information for you, and hope it won't be too confusing.

2002-09-23 12:01 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Arlene)

Dear Ann,
星期六我要到美國出差,我和男友也會去Napa Valley走走喔.
這幾天正在努力地找資料,看了幾家B&B, Inn的價格,我發現Napa Valley的住宿價格頗高.
我也看了Min推薦的Milliken Creek Inn(真的好美喔,尤其是那個臨著河的陽台),不過實在太貴了,唉......我和男友只能希望趕快多賺一點錢,下次來Napa Valley玩可以住在Milliken Creek Inn
我們買了一本書Greate Outdoor Guide to North California,裡面有介紹Napa Valley中價格比較平實的住宿(不過我覺得有的也是蠻貴的),你也可以看看喔...
也期待趕快看到Fin提供的在地資料 :)

2002-09-23 10:21 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Ann)

Dear Fin
By the way
為何你又要來刺激偶一次 ......

2002-09-21 02:47 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Fin-Lee)

Dear Ann,
My mother-in-law lives in Napa and she is here (in DC) for a conference.  I will ask her opinion, maybe she can recommend something for you.  I've been there several times, but don't remember a thing.  Only know there's green everywhere.  By the way, that 'milken creek inn' is too seductive, isn't it?

2002-09-20 11:17 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Min)

Dear Ann,
歐買尬! 妳媽和我媽同一款的:)
那.....可惜了, 我倆就只好看著照片, 各自編織春夢一場了吧!
如果我先去成了, 再給遊記給妳瞧瞧囉!

2002-09-20 10:16 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Ann)

Dear Min
Ann (正在很想對豬頭老闆大罵中)

2002-09-20 03:11 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Min)

Dear Ann,
趁著找資料的同時,我自己也作功課, 因為napa valley也是我的嚮往地之一.翻翻我的travel&leisure, 發現作了記號的一家Boutique Luxury Hotel---Milliken Creek Inn是我若去拜訪很想住的地方, 去年才開幕, 造成不小轟動, 整個內部設計典雅中不失個性, 以可可色米色和白色為主色調的房間, 看了就令人想撲上去:) 更讚的是它有美得令人窒息的室外景緻, 可賞napa river, 可看夕陽, 瀑布區更是品酒的好所在, 附近還有一條堪稱世界馳名絕色的公路 Silverado Trail可以快意馳騁, 價錢從275到5百多大洋. 裡頭特別服務包括品酒與起司盤, spa, 床上浪漫早餐等等, 寫著寫著, 我自己都神往起來了.妳去看看它的網站 www.millikencreekinn.com
住在這兒還有另一個優勢是, 離去年剛開幕, 號稱美國美食佳釀與藝術中心的Copia也在此, 這裡也有許多關於美食, 品酒, 展覽等各式活動, 看看它的網站吧! www.copia.org

2002-09-19 10:19 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Ann)

Dear Min
Love you~~~~

2002-09-19 02:36 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 美國—加州 (Min)

Dear Ann,
好棒,要去Napa Valley玩耍,我手邊最新的food & wine 雜誌, 剛好做了個專題介紹世界五大知名酒莊, 包括napa, tuscany, burgundy, australia, spain. 每個區都介紹了很優的旅館, 值得一嚐的餐廳, 還有週邊區域的旅行備忘, 及該區top 10佳釀, 我剛買沒時間細看, 應該有值得參考的資訊, 在台灣好像買不到, 妳試試網站.
一時間只想到這本, 待我再找找看, 如有其他資料再速速告知吧!

【講座】11/6~11/27 台中 中央書局「週三讀書會:閱讀,飲食的風土」。早鳥票正式開賣!

