
2002-04-26 15:31 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (jfchu)

Dear Ann,
其實我的是懶人炒飯  懶得鏟出來  就把先下的料撥到鍋邊  啊  我是用台灣帶來的中式炒鍋  鍋子夠大
不過我用熱飯炒也還好  只要飯是QQ的  我教我的洋同事這招  她一下子就學會了

2002-04-26 15:09 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (Ann)

Dear jfchu
Dear Keylime
首先Jasmine米已經夠符合你的需求, 那Basmati米是做印度飯用的
2.所有材料除飯及蛋外請切丁 (重點在形狀一樣, 受熱才均勻)
4.先炒蛋, 煎成厚蛋皮後起鍋
5.再燒熱油鍋, 放蔥爆香 (就是指你要聞的到蔥的香味為止)後改中小火
6.放入冷飯,用鍋鏟的背面把飯粒分開, 千萬不要拿鍋鏟切來切去的
7.飯炒鬆散後, 改大火, 放入其他所有你想放的作料一起炒勻, 並同時放些鹽做調味的功夫(要討喜, 也可放點味精)
8.邊炒邊試吃, 味道可以即起鍋承盤

2002-04-26 14:48 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (jfchu)

my suggestion -
stir fry green onion or onion first. set aside.
stir fry egg , ham, or chicken then add in vegi. seasoning a liitle bit pepper &salt
till done. add cooked rice. mixed well then put a little bit soy sauce. stir again. you may add seasame before you finishing it.
it's hard to mix the raw egg with rice. you need a strong stove. otherwise it will be sticky. 

2002-04-26 14:32 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (keylime)

Thank you Ann.
My stir-fried rice is always too sticky so I think Jasmine rice is not the right type for stir-fry.
This is how I stir-fry rice. I learned it from a cooking program.
1.cook rice
2.stir-fry green onion with vegetable ( mushroom, cabbage) with soy sauce
3.set vegetable aside
4.mix one egg with rice
5. stir-fry rice til it's thoroughly cooked
6. add in vegetable
I hope I can make it this time 'cause I don't wanna torture them again.

2002-04-26 10:21 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (Ann)

Dear Keylime,
Instead of deciding which rice you will choose, it is probably more helpful if you let us know how you are going to do this stir-fry rice. Then, we will know where the problem lies and try our best to assist you in making the most unforgetable stir-fry rice for you BF's family!

2002-04-24 16:49 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (Kaorie)

Dear Keylime,

I agree with Ann and Tina. I think People from midwest can't take something with too much foreign flavor. Italian will be a sure and safe bet. Try pan-fried noodle with some miced or sliced beef, onion, chives, and season vegetables. Use some soysauce for a touch of Asian flavor, just make sure that you use something they're familiar with.


2002-04-24 15:49 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (Ann)

Dear Keylime,
Try to start with fried Dumpling (pork filling) with sweet and sour sauce, main dish is stir-fried frice (some ham, egg, lettuce, spring onion, garlic),  cumcumber salad with soy sauce dressing ( simply mix soy sauce, seaseme oil , rice vinager and honey), finsih with sweet green bean sorbet (cook green bean soup in the same way and then freeze it to make a sorbet).

2002-04-24 15:07 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (keylime)

Hello Ann,
 Thank you for your advice. You're right about the dried mushroom. Last time I added dried mushroom to seafood soup. His father didn't finish it. Maybe I should just cook western food.  

2002-04-24 14:11 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (Tina)

Dear Keylime,

Make sure that you don't use the dried mushroom when you make the Taiwanese noodle.  It's flavor may be too strong for lots of American.  You can use fresh mushroom instead.  Now asparagus is in season. You can try to stir-fry it with marinated beef (get beef flank and slice it into pieces).
Authentic asian dishes may be too exotic for people from midwest.  Don't try too hard.  Make stir-fry rice or noodle if they enjoy them.

Good Luck!


2002-04-24 13:52 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 招待外國賓客 (keylime)

I am in Arizona. They are from midwest. They usually have steak, potato, grilled chicken breast, spaghetti, hamburger, sandwich, and salad. I know his parents like stir-fry rice, and stir-fry noodles. I am thinking to cook stir-fry Taiwanese rice noodles for them, but  am afraid  it might  taste too weird for them.

【講座】11/6~11/27 台中 中央書局「週三讀書會:閱讀,飲食的風土」。早鳥票正式開賣!

