
2001-11-23 08:36 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (四月天)

謝謝Yilan的熱心協助,還幫我打電話詢問,我想這個社群 is just right for me.
我也是好吃一族,苦於無人來聊聊這類話題,看到各位如此博學,又有機會品嚐各式美食,真是太開心啦. 有機會一定要與大家見面,交個朋友.

2001-11-23 01:04 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (我是猛男)


2001-11-22 18:00 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (vicky)

問一句題外話,之前網路競標的醬汁湯匙,是在巴黎哪一家店買的?可否將地址告知,因為最近有朋友要去巴黎,想託他買,是不是像生活工廠一樣到處都有呢?前幾天中國時報也有介紹呢﹗謝謝。Vicky   90/11/22

2001-11-22 10:50 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (Yilan_)


2001-11-22 10:35 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (Ann)



How To Carve A Turkey

turkey, thanksgivingArrange the turkey, breast side up, on a cutting board. Begin carving the turkey by removing each leg. Cut the skin between the thigh and breast then use a large knife to press the thigh outward to find the hip joint. Slice down through the joint to remove the leg. You can also grasp the leg, and twist it at the joint to remove it. Cut between the thigh bone and drumstick bone to divide the leg into one thigh piece and one drumstick.

You can choose to leave the drumsticks whole, or carve them, by slicing off four thick slices of meat, one from each side around the drumstick. To slice the thigh, place it flat side down on the cutting board. Cut slices parallel to the bone and slice off the meat.

Remove the wings before the breast is carved. Slice diagonally down through the bottom edge of the breast toward the wing. Press the wing out to find the shoulder joint. Cut through the joint and remove the wing. Carve the breast meat parallel to the breastbone, slicing diagonally through the meat. Continue until you have carved all the meat on one side and enjoy!

how to carve a turkey, thanksgiving
thanksgiving turkey, cooking school
how to carve a turkey

2001-11-22 10:24 am
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (Ann)

Dear Yilan & Roger,
首先要聲明一下, 人家只學過中式切雞鴨法啦!而且都還沒吃過感恩節一整隻火雞...嗚~~~~好命的大家可是要告訴我好不好吃啊!假設Roger只要表現一家之主之威風在餐桌上表演中國功夫, 檢附主廚秘傳供你苦練


Project Image
To make slicing a turkey breast easier, remove the breast from the bird before carving. After cutting off the wings and drumsticks, just use a sharp knife to remove the breast.

Carving a Turkey

Chef and culinary expert Andrew Zimmern joins Mary Ellen to explain how to correctly carve a turkey.

  • Always use a sharp knife when carving a turkey. A dull knife will be difficult to cut with and may slip.

  • Make sure to have plenty of room when carving a turkey. Position the cutting board next to the serving platter.

  • After removing the turkey from the oven, let it sit for at least 15 minutes. This will give the turkey meat time to firm up. Wash up and put on an apron before beginning to carve.

  • Position the turkey on the cutting board. Make sure that the cutting board is not going to slide around. If necessary, place a towel underneath it to keep it steady.

  • Use a serving fork to hold the turkey for balance. Position the fork on the side opposite the one being carved. Penetrate the bird with the fork, or just rest the fork on the bird, depending on what feels most comfortable. Slice down the crevice where one of the legs meets the body and stop once you are hitting the bone.

  • Gently pull the leg away from the body of the turkey with one hand. With the other hand, put the edge of the knife into the joint connecting the leg to the body. If pressing firmly, sometimes the joint will separate easily. If it does not, cut through the joint.

  • Cut the meat off the leg now. Rest the large end of the leg on a separate cutting board and hold the leg on the opposite end. Carve slices of turkey off of the thigh and then the drumstick. For best results, cut medium-thin slices using a downward motion. Work around the leg of the turkey.

  • Separate the wing from the body, much the same way as with the leg. Using the fork, pull the wing away from the body. Place the knife on the joint and separate, cutting through the joint if necessary. Place the wing out of the way.

  • It is now time to carve the breast. Using the fork for balance, begin by cutting a small slice from the most rounded area on the breast of the turkey. This is a spot about halfway down the breast. Continue slicing increasingly larger pieces of the breast meat off. Visualize the ribcage, angling each slice to be parallel to the ribcage.

  • Continue slicing closer to the bone, and try to maintain equal thickness for all of the slices. Place the pieces on the serving platter as they are sliced.

  • When finished carving one side of the turkey breast, begin working on the other side. This side will no longer be balanced, so compensate with the fork.

  • After removing most of the meat, the turkey frame can be used for soup.

Andrew Zimmern
Professional Chef/Culinary Consultant, Food Works Inc.
1879 Palace Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651-695-9230
E-mail: chefaz@visi.com

2001-11-21 17:29 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (Yilan_)

從這則新聞「感恩節火雞 1公斤不到300元 看起來

2001-11-21 16:25 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (四月天)

裝產品. 等我survery完再告訴大家吧. 火雞就等聖誕節在吃了.

2001-11-19 15:22 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (Roger)

Dear Yilan
"感恩節火雞"可是個大傢伙,  想到要如何分解就頭痛,
因為這可是Man in house的工作,  可否指點一下以解窘境。

2001-11-18 22:29 pm
發表者:原MSN社群發表文章 RE: 感恩節火雞 (nico)


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