
2006-11-29 15:13 pm
發表者: Re: Amangani

To Aman lovers and Amanjunkies, I used to work with Amangani 2 years ago, which is terrific and wonderful. I'm still very proud of being a member of Aman family, even though I've switched my career path to IT business. My laptop is slow at the moment and I did not get to see the Amangani's feedback in the forum. Feel free to let me know if you have any comment to share since I have some friends in the management over at the property. I love Amangani, esp. in winter. It's so peaceful while still magnificent. Summer in Jackson Hole is more for outdoor sporties as they have lots of fun activities, you name it. If you are weigning whether to stay with Four Seasons or Amangani, I'd say go for Amangani if you don't have any budget concern. If unfortunately you are tight in money, be sure to go up the hill and visit Amangani or dine with them, which is worth it. Amangani sends house guests to dine in Four Seasons all the time; Four Seasons Jackson is a good, decent ski resort after all. But if you're into some kind of exclusiveness and peace, check out Amangani! Also I got a chance to get to know our sister properties around the world and I've been to couple of them. Glad to know Aman is getting more fans in Taiwan market. Snowhite

2006-08-27 11:41 am
發表者:m e g o Re: 當aman遇上京都

Dear KrazeeJoe 謝謝你的解說 不過還是很羨幕可以看到鯊魚啊 期待您的komodo cruise之旅 因為我對潛水有極深的恐懼 而且我也害怕搖晃 外子說我不適合去搭 komodo cruise 等您回來再請你告訴我 是不是真是這樣

2006-08-26 00:15 am
發表者:KrazeeJoe Re: 當aman遇上京都

Dear Mego, 我們是住4號房, 從餐廳數來面海的第二間. 我們去的時候房間外面的沙灘就可以看到好幾隻鯊魚在岸邊游來游去, 有時還會往海灘衝過來. 因為岸邊有很多鯊魚想吃的小魚, 多到看出去是一團黑黑的有點誇張. 至於海龜我們是在turtle street附近看到的. 也沒很多隻囉. 它們的komodo cruise其實班次不多, 因為很多時候都被熟客訂走,一去就是兩三個禮拜. 像我們這次去碰到一對歐洲來的夫婦今年就去了兩趟幾個禮拜的komodo cruise. KrazeeJoe

2006-08-25 10:24 am
發表者:m e g o Re: 當aman遇上京都

Dear KrazeeJoe 請問您是住幾號房呢 您指的turtle street 還是從房間外的岸邊直接下水就可以看到? 我經常去turtle street找海龜,不常看到,而且他們游泳的速度真的太快了 都是驚鴻一撇而已 鯊魚倒是一次也沒見過 今年的都已經客滿了 真是可怕 我以為交通不便 應該很少人去的

2006-08-24 22:25 pm
發表者:KrazeeJoe Re: 當aman遇上京都

To samyoyo, 呵呵, 沒想到妳也逛到這邊來啦. amanpulo 九月時我沒去過, 不過六月去時是會下陣雨, 打雷倒是沒碰到. 住了四天碰到一天下雨. 海流應該還算是平靜. 據說到冬天時雖然是天氣比較好,但是風蠻大的. amanpulo的沙很細很白, 要跟馬爾地夫那邊的差不多囉. 不過浮潛看到的魚類感覺比較少, 大蓋是珊瑚礁比較少的關係吧. 島還不小, 還好每個房間都有自己的小車車可以開去逛. To mego, amanwana很適合浮潛呢, 在房間外面的海邊浮潛就可以看到很多熱帶魚, 海龜還有鯊魚. komodo expedition現在很難訂喔, 因為現在他們去komodo的船一次只接待一組客人(最多四人), 今年的都已經滿了.. 小弟訂到明年夏天的cruise, 回來再跟大家報告. 旅行速度比不上aman開店速度的KrazeeJoe

2006-08-24 09:44 am
發表者:m e g o Re: 當aman遇上京都

Dear KrezeeJoe 您去Amanwana潛水啦 一定很美 光是浮潛我就已經心滿意足了 可惜我不會潛水 不然好想參加Komoto Expedition喔 要在京都開一家啊 真是太好了 不會遙不可及

2006-08-24 08:32 am
發表者:samyoyo 九月時的 amanpulo 雨季?

想請問大家一下,是否曾在九,十月時到 過 Amanpulo? 九,十月的 pulo 還是雨季,我想瞭解一下 那兒雨季的雨是如海島一般短暫雷陣雨 呢?或是連綿一下多天?海上風浪大不大? 海流會很強,站不住腳嗎? 先謝謝各位大大. Hi, KrazeeJoe, 想不到在這兒看到你!!你現在好像專攻起 Aman 了. 這個版版和這個話題真的讓人神往,心昇嚮往. ************************

2006-08-24 00:18 am
發表者:KrazeeJoe 當aman遇上京都

最近看到Aman要在日本京都開一家resort叫aman niwa 預計2007開幕. 在aman泡私人或大眾溫泉的感覺一定很特別, 據說位置在金閣寺附近, 真期待.... . 不過日本人工,物價那麼高, 如果要維持aman一貫的服務品質, 房價大概又要創天價了 aman未來要開的resorts可真不少. 包括在希臘小島Milos的amanmila, 美國猶他州的amangiri, bahamas的amancaya. 除此之外, 肯亞, 巴西還有歐洲一些國家都有消息要蓋aman resorts. 真希望有一天aman能在台灣蘭嶼開一間分店... :D 剛從amanwana潛水回來的KrazeeJoe

2006-06-26 01:30 am
發表者:aman- state- of- mind Re: Amangani

hi i agree that this tuttle-designed amangani is not as superb as amankila. But still it is the best choice in the whole grand teton - or greater yellow stone area. Basically you can still enjoy the carefully chosen location of the hotel, where the view and the ambience really are special (it feels like living in the sky )and can only be experienced in person. The rooms (over looking the snowed mountain on the right and the valley beneath) is very well design. I personally enjoy the fire place and the bath tub. The service is ok in american standard but not up to the usual aman standard as you will see in south east asia. I guess it is more difficult to amanize the american staff. Food is just above par. I like the swimming pool and the heated jacuzzi because it is a sensational thing to enjoy in the almost year round cold weather. Kind of like hot spring in the snow! But over all i think amangani only aims to provide a comfortable visit to grand teton /yellow stone. It is not meant to be a destination resort. P.S I am going to Amanyara in july but can't make my mind on the pond pavillion or ocean pavillion. So i did a little search online and find out there is another website that carries lots of picture of amanyara at It is a website for villa sale but also has pictures of the resort, pavillions. as well as the 3 bedroom villas. Just though this might be of interest to some of the amanjunkies.

2006-05-22 14:25 pm
發表者:Hockeygal Re: Amangani

我很想去Amangani呢..... 但是之前看到有些人對Amangani褒貶不一 所以不知道下回再去Yellowstone的話去Aman好還是Four Seasons好 今年八月有想要去東南亞玩 考慮Amankila或是Amanpuri....因為他們的活動好像比較多!

